Police Confront Disposal Problem When Body Armor Gets To Old Apr 7, 2011 When vests that are ready for retirement. And Chief Doreen Olko, like other police officials, faces a dilemma: The vests aren’t good enough for her officers, but they can’t be thrown away, either, for fear they may wind up in the wrong hands. Federal guidelines say body armour has a five-year life. So, when retiring them, some departments think environmentally. Others think about future cops. “When we know the warranty is no good, we’re not going to have an officer wear them,” said Jason Wright, chief of police for the City of Wayne. “We want to make sure they’re not being used.” The Roseville Police Department is expecting 60 new bulletproof vests, thanks to a federal grant and drug forfeiture money, said Deputy Chief James Berlin. They’ll recycle their old vests has been recycling ballistics materials  “It’s good for the environment, good for the community, you’re getting rid of something you no longer need,” Berlin said. “It’s good for everybody.” Both Olko and Detroit Police Department spokeswoman Sgt. Eren Stephens said they are interested in recycling. Many of the vests are made of agamid fibers, which are strong and heat-resistant. Kevlar is a common agamid brand name. And will accept, without charge, shipments of two to 200 pieces of body armor. The recycling company strips the vests of their bulletproof material, any bullets and nylon casings. The material is then sent to manufacturers, who turn it into strong, heat-resistant items like brake pads, tire treads and rope. “Our hope is that when going into the field, our cadets will use body armor and understand how to function effectively while wearing it,” Craft said. “The use of vests in the training of police cadets.